Friday, September 12, 2008

Normal Blood Sugar Levels Even As Diabetic

So the question remain, can diabetic people have normal blood sugar levels?, the answer is yes, because there are several ways that a diabetic person can apply immediately in order to get they blood glucose levels decreased, if you are a diabetic that suffer from high blood sugar levels and you want to know some easy ways to lower your blood sugar, then this article will give some advise around this subject.

Firstly, you need to know that normal blood glucose levels are those between 70 milligrams per deciliter to 100 mg/dl after 8 hours of not eating.

Secondly, in order to get that levels of sugar on your body you have to follow some suggestions, we have listed below some measures that can help you to get decreased levels of glucose in your blood.

1.- Have you ever listened about the diet of Dr. Richard Bernstein, this is highly recommendable because you lower slowly the amount of carbohydrates you consume. Consistent insulin levels may be achieved by having the same amount of carbohydrates each day.

2.- You need to test frequently your blood sugar levels, that way you can determine the right insulin dosage, if you can test your blood sugar levels 5-10 times per day, that would work great.

3.- Avoiding eating between meals, make sure you eat at least 3 nutritious meals per day, this is all about your eating habits, then it is up to you doing it the right way.

Poor management of blood glucose levels usually is the main reason for complications on both types of diabetes, if you keep normal blood glucose levels then you have eliminated risks of those complications.

To sum up, is is not difficult for diabetic people to get normal levels of glucose, this is a totally achievable goal.

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