Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Diabetes - Treatment

Around 8% of the US Population suffers from Diabetes. This represents around 24 Million Americans. Approximately 57 Million Americans show signs of blood sugar abnormalities that are problematic and are considered pre-diabetes symptoms. While there is not really a cure for diabetes, many people live successfully and healthily with diabetes.

In diabetes, the body typically does not produce enough insulin and does not effectively use the insulin it does produce. Insulin, a hormone that is produced by the pancreas, is responsible for allowing blood sugar to be absorbed into the body's tissue. This blood sugar, or glucose, is used as a form of energy by the body.

One of the most important things a person with diabetes can do is properly monitor their diet. Diabetes has been linked to obesity and it is important to eat healthy foods that will not adversely affect your blood sugar level. Often the prescribed diet will help to limit the carbohydrate intake. A blood sugar testing kit is used that reports the amount of glucose present in the blood stream and it is imperative to keep a close eye on this level. By making good decisions about the foods you eat, you can help to control the level of sugar in your body.

Exercise is also very important and some links have been found between certain types of diabetes and obesity. You should always be careful when exercising though, because diabetes causes wounds to take longer to heal. Proper shoes and clean dry socks should always be used. An open sore on the foot can result in infection and possibly amputation, so it is very important to check your feet before and after you work out.

Consult your doctor about finding a good workout that will work for you and determining the right types of snacks to eat before or after exercise. Always make sure you stretch before you begin working out and do not overdo it.

Insulin and other medicines are also used to control diabetes. Insulin has been used since 1921 to treat diabetes. Most often insulin shots are used, but some people make use of an insulin pump. An insulin pump is a device that is worn on the outside of the body and connects directly to the bloodstream. The pump administers a regulated amount of insulin to the body over a set period of time. Oral insulin is also available. Those with Type 1 Diabetes do not produce enough insulin and so supplemental insulin is usually used to treat this type of diabetes.

Type 2 Diabetes is characterized by the improper absorption and use of insulin by the body. Several oral medicines are available that make the body's tissues more receptive to insulin and allow it to be used more efficiently. Frequently though Type 2 Diabetes can be treated by maintaining a proper diet and exercising regularly.

Diabetes can be a very serious disease, but it can be treated successfully in many cases. There is no cure, but it is possible to have diabetes and be relatively healthy.

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