Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Weight Loss and Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is closely associated with being overweight. Simply put if you are overweight you greatly increase your chances of developing it. It is one of the biggest health risks to overweight people and one of the biggest reasons that you should start a diet today if you are currently overweight. The sooner you start to diet, the less chance you have of developing this condition which of course can lead to many health problems.

What Are The Different Forms Of Diabetes?

Type 1 -

Formerly known as juvenile or insulin-dependent, type 1 is usually diagnosed in children, teenagers, or young adults. This form is not related being overweight. If you are an adult and have not yet developed the condition then type 1 should not a concern for you.

Type 2 -

Formerly known as adult-onset or noninsulin-dependent, type 2 is the most common form. It is far more likely to develop in people who are overweight. Avoiding Type 2 should be one of your top concerns if you are now overweight. It's important to realize that losing weight is not just a "vanity thing," it's also a health thing.

Gestational -

This is a temporary form that sometimes effects women late in pregnancy. It normally goes away after the birth of the baby but it does increase the chances of the woman developing Type 2 later on in life. A woman who has had Gestational Diabetes should make a special effort to stay healthy.

Starting A Diet Today

The sooner you start a healthy diet the better for your health. If you have not yet developed diabetes, you can likely still avoid it by starting a diet today. It's important to start a healthy diet that you can stick with such as The Day Off Diet.

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