Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Type 2 Diabetes Diet - What to Do and Not to DO

Below are the Do's and Don'ts to a Diabetes diet. Following these do's and don't will allow you to live a healthy life free of diabetes!


o Drink lots of water each day.
o Eat 2-3 servings of vegetables everyday.
o Eat at the same time. Develop a routine
o Drink Low-Fat Milk.
o Take cinnamon daily.
o Eat fresh fruit everyday
o Switch to herbal tea rather than caffeinated tea

By following the Do list above, my disease has been minimized and nearly gone. It is a great feeling living a healthy life diabetes free. Even though I still have diabetes this diabetes cure list really gives me a chance to live a healthy life in which diabetes does not affect my health.
Below are the BIG Don't of type 2 diabetes.


o Don't eat too much!
o Don't eat anything with lots of sugar.
o Don't add extra salt to your food
o Don't eat FRIED FOODS!
o Don't drink more than 2 cups of coffee or tea
o Don't drink WHOLE MILK!
o DON'T eat cheese high in fat.

By following this don't list, you can live a healthy life diabetes free. There are plenty of diabetes recipes out there to make your food taste much better. A simple google search can find you many diabetes diets with delicious foods. Please do not let diabetes ruin your life and get help now. I know that it is hard to overcome diabetes but if you have a never give up attitude and follow these do's and don't you are on the right track to living a healthy life.

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