Saturday, August 30, 2008

Diabetes Control and Prevention - Preventing the Onset of Diabetes

If your family has a history of diabetes, then you and your children have a high risk of developing it as well. If you notice that you experience one or more of this disease symptoms, then you might want to take heed before it is too late.

Type 2 diabetes is the most common type. It develops gradually depending on diet, lifestyle, and present risk factors. It can be avoided so long as it is detected early, and the needed changes to lifestyle and diet are implemented. Here are a few ways to prevent it:

Make good food choices.

You are what you eat. If you eat lots of fatty food, you'll have high blood pressure and heart attack later on. If you eat lots of sweets and carbohydrates, you have great risk of having diabetes. If you eat lots of fiber-rich foods, you have good digestion. For preventing it, you need to lessen your sugar and carbohydrate intake, and increase your consumption of vegetables and whole grains.

Drink 8 glasses of water.

This will help in eliminating the excess sugar we have in our bodies. It's a way to cleanse, refresh, and replenish the body. FYI: a glass of juice is not 100% water; coffee is only 50% water, and milk is 90% water.

Be active!

Exercise, or even just walking several miles and taking the stairs is a big difference compared to just sitting on your butt lazing around. More activity will help in regulating your sugar level, and it will also help improve your metabolic rate.

Learn how to manage your insulin.

Doing this will help you make better food choices. You will know which food will cause a high level of glucose in your system. You will also learn which food is healthier and more filling, so that you won't have the urge to eat so much so often.

These are very simple ways to prevent diabetes, but they may be difficult if your lifestyle is set in stone. Just be patient and love yourself. Chocolate cake is more tempting than whole wheat bread (and yes, it tastes a whole lot better!) but you don't have to do without it. The key is moderation: eat lots of healthy food, exercise, and drink enough water everyday, and at the end of the week, you can enjoy your slice of cake.

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