Saturday, August 9, 2008

Proper Diets For Those With Blood Sugar Issues

When you have blood sugar issues you need to scope out proper diets. Trying to lose and maintain weight with any type of sugar related issue can be very hard. Not only can the illness cause weight issues, medications can make things worse for many people. The right diet can not only help to maintain a proper blood sugar range, it can also aid you in losing weight and keeping it off. The key is to find the right type of diet for you that keeps your sugar intact. Low carbohydrate diets can be very beneficial, just be sure to allow for times when you will need extra sugar fast. If you know how to regulate your food correctly, then you should have no problem finding a good diet that works.

Losing Weight With Diabetes

When it comes to losing weight with diabetes, you can find that it is a real challenge. Many of the medications that help to regulate blood sugar promote weight gain. The best way to loss weight when you have blood sugar issues is to first make sure your levels are stable. Once you have done that, you can search for proper diets that could work for you. Exercise is also very important for those with diabetes. Circulation problems are common in diabetics, so plenty of exercise can help prevent problems later on. Do not be discouraged if the weight does not come off as quickly as you want. Many times you have to allow your body to adjust before you can see any results. Always be sure to talk to your doctor before trying anything new. It is not uncommon to need a medication adjustment as you lose weight.

How Low Carb Can You Go

Proper diets for diabetes not only includes limiting sweets, but also requires you to watch how many carbs you eat and when. Any diabetic will want to limit their carb intake to approximately half the allotted calories they are allowed to eat per day. Therefore, a person on an 1800-calorie per day diet can eat 900 calories of carbs. These carbs should be spread out over the course of the entire day and limited. The best types of carbs to eat are fruits, vegetables, and starches. It is best to refrain from refined sugars and alcohol, as they can cause a sudden rise in blood sugar.

The Key Is Exercise

The more exercise you get the better. Not only are proper diets encouraged for those with diabetes and other related blood sugar issues, good exercise regimes are as well. Circulation to the lower extremities can be a major issue to those with diabetes. This can make it hard to notice when you get a cut or other injury, and can lead to a major infection. Exercise along with a good diet can aid in increasing circulation and help to maintain your sensation longer. This will lower the risk of systemic infection and even amputation. While losing weight when battling with diabetes can be difficult, it is not impossible when you have a good diet and exercise plan.

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