Tuesday, August 5, 2008

High Blood Sugar Symptoms - Top 3 Symptoms of High Blood Sugar

In medical terms high blood sugar is called hyperglycemia and also called high glucose. The only way to know of sure if you have high blood sugar is to get a test done, so if you notice any high blood sugar symptoms just get it checked.

The reason I say get it checked is because the sooner you find out you have high blood sugar the sooner you can get it treated, because if this initial condition is not treated you have a risk of getting diabetes and will have to live with it for the rest of your life.

Top 3 Symptoms of High Blood Sugar

The high blood sugar symptoms may vary from person to person, some people show no sigh or symptoms while the others show these common signs, so look out.

1.Fatigue - One of the early sight to high blood sugar is fatigue, where you feel really tiered weak, and feel drained out. This usually happens because the sugar in the blood is not being converted into energy.

2.Thirst - When there is too much of sugar in the blood, the blood becomes thick and it tells your brain that your body is thirsty, sue to which you drink a lot of water in the hope of thinning the blood. But unfortunately drinking more liquids will not have the desired effect.

3.Urinating Frequently - One of the common signs is frequent urination, this happens because the extra sugar goes through the kidney, while the kidney absorbs the glucose it cannot absorb a lot of it and that is what causes frequent urination.

If you notice Increased thirst and frequent urination, this is a cycle and go together. This is because increase blood sugar makes you drink alot of liquids and urinate frequently, Drinking more will make a person urinate more. And more urination will make a person feel thirstier.

These are just 3 common high blood sugar symptoms there are many more, so if you have a slight doubt visit the doctor, because if you are wrong that is great news and if you are right hopefully you have realised it early and can cure it.

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